Chrome Extension Screenshot

Quick GTasks

Quickly access and edit your Google Tasks™ conveniently from within Google Chrome


Chrome Extension Screenshot
Chrome Extension Screenshot
Chrome Extension Screenshot
Chrome Extension Screenshot


I use Google Tasks™ many, many times every day. After several of the Google Tasks™ Chrome extensions stopped working, I began working on my own Google Tasks™ extension as a hobby project.

Most of the functionality is currently included:

  • Add, edit, and remove tasks
  • Reorder tasks
  • Create and remove lists

Please let me know if you run into any bugs by using the "Support" section on the official Chrome Extensions page, and thanks for trying my extension!

Privacy Policy

The Quick GTasks Chrome Extension (Quick GTasks) requires permission to access your Google Tasks™ data and uses this data to show your tasks and task lists inside the Chrome extension. Quick GTasks does not store or share your personal data, period.